- 浏览量:196
- 发表于 2011-03-21 02:39:16
- 已有 14 条回复

艾蜜塔 脸部深层清洁面膜
- 正品价格:300.00元
- 产品类别:面膜
- 产品介绍:Marie Cecile为您的肌肤设计了完美的保养组合,从深层清洁、去角质、保湿、净白、紧实、抗老化等全系列专业沙龙级面膜,针对不同肤质状况做最完整的调理与修护;富含高纯度植物精油、全效维他命及多种珍贵植物精华,再加上古希腊神秘的独特配方,让您的肌肤在最快速的时间呈现润泽,散发魅力与光采。绿瓷土内加入蜂胶、天竺葵、檀香、茉莉等精油,可有效吸附毛孔深层污垢,清洁并收敛毛孔,使肌肤洁净明亮。
EXPRESS is a complete range of personal creams and masks that use fruit and vegetable extracts to provide a unique nutritional "menu" for the face, body and hair. Express products are available in modern, monodose, travel-friendly packaging which allows you to mix and match different creams and masks to create your own personal skin "diet".